The Use Of Data In A Digital Transformation Strategy

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We live in a constant digital transformation that is nothing new. We move in a context in which online marketing strategies have to make a proper interpretation of the data. But, to what extent are they key when defining the way forward?

When a 100% offline company decides to expand its presence in the online environment, it will have to check if the strategy it is implementing meets the values ​​and purposes set in advance. It is a cyclic trial-error process. That is, you have to go testing, see if it works, and, if not, go straightening the course of our online marketing strategy.

It is almost impossible for a digital transformation strategy to be successful if the business in which it is implemented is not understood. There are two points that we cannot ignore:

  • Know the customers (real and potential)
  • Know the presence online

What Is Digital Transformation?

It is the integration of digital technology in all areas of a company, a cultural change that may involve the reworking of products, processes, and strategies within the organization.

Key Technologies

As a content marketing agency, we insist that there is not a single application or technology that allows digital transformation but multiple processes:

The Cloud Computation: facilitating the organization faster access to the software, new features, and updates in addition to data storage.

The mobile platforms allow work wherever and whenever.

Machine Learning And AI Technologies: providing organizations with knowledge to make precise decisions about sales, marketing, product development, and other strategic areas.

Other technologies that drive business transformation are blockchain, augmented reality and virtual reality, social networks, and the internet of things (IoT).

Data And Sales Channels

The digitalization of sales channels responds to changing customer preferences. For example, the extensive use of smartphones to buy products and hire services. Consequently, companies like รับ ทํา การ ตลาด ออนไลน์, within their internet marketing strategy, transform their sales channels, and add e-commerce websites and mobile applications to traditional ones.

The structured data, such as those from CRM systems, help organizations generate information about their customers according to their previous purchases and historical transactions. Unstructured data can also be collected on social networks through customer posts and comments—all to optimize the strategies of sales channels and adapt to the needs and preferences of customers.

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