What is C-TPAT program of the US government?

2 min read

It is a fact that over the past two decades the act of terrorism have increased in all over the world. It is because if the fact of larger radicalization of unemployed youth. But if you look at the global data and then compare it with the records of USA, you will notice one thing. USA since the attacks of 9/11 on the world trade centre has not witnessed any major terror attacks. Now it is already known that USA posses the largest armed force in the world. But it is not military power that has stopped any new major terror attack in USA but rather it is world famous initiative known as the C-TPAT program.

How goods get the chance to enter the US soil?

C-TPAT program stands for customs-trade partnership against terrorism program. Under this program the department of Homeland security and customs and border authority of USA work alongside each another and checks all the shipments that cross the boundary of USA. Though it is a good initiative to keep terrorist and illegal activities in check but here is also a dark side of this program. It is very unfortunate that some of the most honest business houses also have to pass these rigours guidelines as per the iso standards as well. Thus it becomes a very hectic job for good businessmen to pass through the iso guidlines in order to get their shipments into the US soil. So what big companies tend to do in this situation is that they tend to hire iso consultants.

Hire iso consultants from qml in Thailand

Now iso Consultants are professionals who know about the guidelines and formats of C-TPAT program and also know how to get past them with ease. These iso Consultants thus act as guide in passing the C-TPAT guidlines of the USA. They are mostly held responsible if any shipment is caught with illegal compounds. So iso Consultants are hard to come by. In Thailand qml provides Thailand based companies with iso Consultants. So if you are in Thailand Need an iso consultant (ต้องการที่ปรึกษา ISO , which is the term in Thai) then make sure to hire the best agency that is qml.

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