Alternative Robocopy-Best Software For Copying Files

2 min read

If you need a tool for copying files into another folder, consider using the Alternative Robocopy software. It is a paid software, also known as GSCopy Pro V8.1. The software is good for moving files to another location in a folder. You can shift your files in a folder that is located in same or different server or computer. There is an inbuilt open file agent in the software that helps in copying files. The 8.1 version is the latest with many improvements made over the previous versions.

GSCopy Pro v8.1 (RoboCopy Alternative) with Open File Agent

Users who have 32 bit systems can use it and it works equally well with computers with 62 bit systems. Tasks can be scheduled easily on the robocopy. It helps in automating its task. The robocopy software has the ability to copy locked files. People who have Windows XP/2003 versions and later version systems can download the software and use it. You can copy modified files with robocopy. It doesn’t copy the unmodified files. The new 8.1 version has the facility of including the ACLs or Access Control List. There is also an option for including file attributes.

Robocopy copies the files as a mirror. This means that an exact copy of a file is transferred to another folder without any changes. The copied files have the same attributes and properties as the original file. If any user wants to exclude some files from copying, they can do so easily. This is a new feature that has been added to the 8.1 version. There is an option for excluding folders from being copied too.

The robocopy software has a feature of time stamping that is copying folders with date same as the original folder. There is a better and improved error logging facility. The algorithms are smarter, reliable, and improved with efficient functioning. Files can be copied in alternative robocopy in VSS mode. Users can copy files before and after modification.

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