Things to Consider When Choosing Automotive Shop Management Software

4 min read

With any big purchase you make, it’s important to do your research. Choosing automotive shop management software for your business is no different. It’s important to understand what you need from the software, why you need the software, and who will use the software.

You also want to make sure the software is easy to use and customizable. The last thing you need is to make a big purchase only to find out you need to upgrade in a few months or that it’s so frustrating to use you and your staff gives up before even trying. Some considerations for you are listed below.

Your Requirements

When considering software, consider why you need the software and what you hope to use it for. Are you simply looking into software to organize your inventory? Or do you need a better system of record-keeping? The easiest way to assess your requirements is to take the time to write down your and your staff’s tasks. Once you’ve figured this out, figure out which tasks might be better handled automated or which must stay in the shop, so to speak.

Once you figure out what tasks you need help with, you will be better positioned to choose what software is the best fit for you. This will also allow you to understand what services you don’t need. Keep an open mind for future growth, but there may be services you know you will never need. Unless it’s part of a package, there’s no need to pay for what you won’t need.

Type of Technology

Technology is ever-changing, and the options for automotive shop management are wide and varied. It’s important to familiarize yourself with a few options, and now that you have your needs sorted, this is easier. Research what technology different platforms use and consider what works best for your company.

More often than not, these are automated systems. This means they don’t need specialized personnel to work with them. Most software systems come with training, a help center, and a manual to help familiarize you with the system.

As with any technology, updates will occur. Some updates will require further training. Ask if continued training is included and how many staff can be trained. The support you may need doesn’t stop with the purchase. You want to make sure the company you choose has continued support if an issue arises.


Is the software cookie-cutter, or can you pick and choose what you need? Are you able to customize it to maximize your company’s true potential? It’s important to understand how much control, or little, you have with the software. Not all businesses are the same, which is why the software comes with different features.


Cost-effectiveness refers to the degree to which a service or product is effective in relation to its cost. This simply means that the value of a product should be equal to the amount of money you paid for it.

In most cases, software management systems aren’t inexpensive. You want to make sure that whatever software you choose will work for your company in the long run. Getting the most out of your money is key to your company’s profitability. As mentioned earlier, you also don’t want to pay for something you won’t use.

Remember that an expensive price tag doesn’t always mean high value, and high value doesn’t always mean expensive. If you take your time to find the best product for your company, you will get the most bang for your buck.


These are just a few things to consider when purchasing automotive shop management software. Do your research and take the time to understand what you and your staff truly need. Then, narrow down your options. If the system you’re considering offers a trial period or in-person demonstration, take advantage of that opportunity.

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