5 Tips for Selecting a Good Web Host

3 min read

It can be a daunting task, choosing the right web hosting service. For small business, bloggers and developers the task can seem impossible. You want a web host that will provide you with all the necessary tools to grow your business without being too expensive. And with so many web hosting services in the market today, you can get lost in all the hype and end up with a web hosting service that is not the right match.

Most web hosting services understand the need for and provide most of the basic aspects of website hosting. But this doesn’t mean that you should just pick a web host from a list Google populated when you typed in “The Best Web Host.” Since choosing the wrong one can lead to a lot of problems, the following tips may help you avoid the headache of having to move to a new web host five years down the line;

  • Know What You Need   

Begin by understanding that the kind of hosting you need depends on the nature of your website and the content it will carry. If you a blogger whose primary form of communication will be via articles and images, you may not need the space and performance of a dedicated server. In the same way an online store that has a high traffic volume may not benefit from a shared hosting plan.

  • What Type of Site are You Building

Just as the amount of traffic can affect the web hosting package you need, so can the type of website you are building factor in the web hosting service you choose. There are some web hosting services that are ideal for WordPress sites and others that work better with ecommerce sites.

  • Understand the Resources You will Need

When choosing a web host, most people only focus on the price. Instead of going for the cheapest web hosting provider, take the time to ensure that they are the right partner for you. This means that they must be compatible with your specific needs. For example a business might decide to choose a web host that has better email functionality than more storage. You may also, depending on the type of website you are building and the nature of your business, choose a host that provides higher bandwidth rates or additional data security.

  • Know the Cost

This doesn’t mean going for the cheapest web hosting service you can find. It means understanding exactly what you are paying for and how long before you have to pay again. Remember to factor in certain additional services like domain name registration.

  • Think of Future Growth

Your business will experience growth and it is therefore important to ensure that the web hosting service provider you choose can accommodate your need to grow your business. For example, you may start on a shared hosting plan with the aim to move to a dedicated server as your business grows. Choosing a web hosting service that can facilitate this is very important.

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