Common Issues for Electronic Locks

3 min read

Electronic locks are becoming extremely popular for a number of reasons; such as you’ll never need to worry about forgetting or losing your keys and you can set and change the access codes whenever you want. You no longer have to worry about having spare keys in the hands of babysitters, dog walkers or neighbors. There is without a doubt a lot of benefits that come with electronic locks, but like any other type of lock, they can have their issues. Although many of the issues are simple repairs you can do yourself, there may be times when you’ll need to count an emergency locksmith to open your electronic locks. Here are some of the most common problems that you may encounter with electronic locks.

Problems with the Batteries

In order to prevent you from being locked out if there is a power outage, most types of electronic locks have a battery backup. If the batteries suddenly stop working, it may simply mean you need to change the batteries. Use the override key and then put in a fresh set of batteries. In the majority of situations, this will solve the problem. However, if you are still having problems after putting in fresh batteries, you should consider contacting to inspect the lock and determine what the problem is.

Issues with the Code

Although you don’t have to carry a key to use an electronic lock, you do need to memorize the code that you have set for the lock. If you frequently change the code, it’s going to be easy to forget it, so be sure to write the code down and hide it somewhere safe that you will have access to when you need it. If you have forgotten the code and didn’t write the code down, be sure to check the owner’s manual for information on how to reset the code or contact an emergency locksmith to help you gain access.

Error in Communication

Every once in a while the keypad may experience an interruption when conversing with the lock itself. To try to repair this problem on your own, remove the batteries for one minute and then put them back in. In many situations, this will reset the lock and restore the communication between the keypad and lock. However, if the problem doesn’t remedy itself after removing the batteries, contact an emergency locksmith to make the repairs.

Electronic locks don’t require a physical key to gain access, but they do depend on the physical locking machinery. You may on occasion experience some mechanical issues, such as a problem with the strike plate; just make sure the strike plate is straight and the screws are tight. Also, make sure the hinges are in good condition and properly aligned with the door latch and strike plate.

If you are unable to repair electronic lock issues on your own and need an emergency locksmith, contact

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