What Foundations Have Helped With Housing?

2 min read

Many foundations and organizations are dedicated to addressing housing-related issues, including affordable housing, housing stability, and housing for vulnerable populations. These foundations often fund initiatives to improve housing conditions, prevent homelessness, and provide housing for those in need. Here are some notable foundations and organizations that work to support housing initiatives:

1. **The Ford Foundation:** The Ford Foundation supports efforts to address housing inequality, promote affordable housing, and advance equitable urban development.

2. **The MacArthur Foundation:** MacArthur has a history of supporting affordable housing initiatives, and it often funds research to find innovative solutions to housing challenges.

3. **The Kresge Foundation:** Kresge focuses on urban and community development, including support for affordable housing and neighborhood revitalization.

4. **The Enterprise Community Partners:** Enterprise is a nonprofit organization that works to create and preserve affordable housing and to provide capital and expertise for community development.

5. **The Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC):** LISC is a community development organization that invests in affordable housing and community revitalization.

6. **The Housing Partnership Network (HPN):** HPN is a collaborative network of nonprofit housing developers working to create affordable housing and support sustainable communities.

7. **The National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC):** NLIHC is an advocacy organization that works to ensure people with low income have affordable homes.

8. **The Habitat for Humanity:** Habitat for Humanity is an international organization dedicated to providing decent and affordable housing for families in need.

9. **The National Housing Trust (NHT):** NHT focuses on preserving and improving affordable housing through innovation, policy advocacy, and financing.

10. **Local and Regional Housing Authorities:** Many local and regional housing authorities manage public housing and administer housing choice voucher programs to assist low-income individuals and families.

These foundations and organizations address a wide range of housing issues, from the development of affordable housing units to research and advocacy for housing policy changes. Their work contributes to improving access to safe, affordable housing for individuals and families in need. Check out www.thegrantportal.com for grant sources.

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